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What is Drainage Aggregate?

Filter and Drainage aggregate has become increasingly popular across both residential and commercial applications, providing leading solutions within projects where drainage is a necessity.

Drainage aggregate is essentially a natural or processed granular material, typically being inclusive of sand, gravel, pebbles, or rock. When looking for filter and drainage aggregate, you can expect to see material segmented by size, being classified into fine and coarse aggregate categories.

When choosing drainage aggregates its vital to find a premium aggregate supplier given the implications poor-quality aggregate can have for projects. A premium quality aggregate will typically improve quality and longevity of a project and ensure optimal results are reached.

If you are seeking further information on drainage aggregate or drainage aggregate supply, you can contact our quarry supply professionals at 1300 291 130.

What types of Drainage Aggregate are available?

While drainage aggregate can be made up from a multitude of different materials such as sand, gravel, pebbles, or rock - it is primarily segmented by size. Two primary aggregate sizes will exist on the market: Fine drainage aggregate and Coarse drainage aggregate. Aggregate sizing can vary significantly with single sized material ranging anywhere from 5mm to 20mm.

Fine Drainage Aggregate

Fine Filter and Drainage aggregate typically consists of materials smaller than 5mm. Fine drainage aggregates are more common amongst smaller scale projects, though are still utilised across large projects as well. Fine aggregate is primarily seen being used for subsurface drainage, pipe bedding, access roads/ driveways, and railway projects. 

Coarse Drainage Aggregate

Coarse filter and drainage aggregate will usually consist of materials greater than 5mm. Coarse drainage aggregates are more common for larger scale residential and commercial projects, though still have a place amidst small projects too. Coarse aggregate is primarily seen being used for bedding and filling material. Larger rocks and aggregate when packed into a drainage system will inevitably provide better drainage given the less restriction and greater water flow capacity.

If you are unsure which drainage aggregate is best suited to your project, please contact a professional. You can contact our quarry supply professionals at 1300 291 130.

How Filter Aggregate works

filter and drainage aggregate

Filter and Drainage aggregate essentially works by facilitating the movement of water around a property. Filter and Drainage aggregate have both residential and commercial implications being used primarily during landscaping projects. Aggregate will often run behind retaining walls or underneath gardens to allow water to run freely with little resistance.

Filter and Drainage Aggregate Supply Services

As one of Australia's leading filter and drainage aggregate suppliers, you can always be sure you're getting the absolute best in quality and customer service when you work with the team at Boodle's Concrete.

Boodle’s Concrete services can supply Filter and Drainage Aggregate all over Queensland. We are based in Chinchilla but are able to supply the surrounding areas, including Brisbane, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Biddenden, Gayndah, Miles, Roma, Charleville, Biloela, Emerald, Rockhampton, Gladstone and Bundaberg.

To find out more about our quarry supply services or to place an order for Filter and Drainage aggregate, or other Quarry Supplies, contact us directly on 1300 291 130.



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